

I think I’m smart. Yea, girl, I say! You can figure stuff out! You’ve still got it! I fly high for a minute of two.

Reality Always Returns!

I never said I was tech savvy but I try. As a writer, I need a website so I figured out how to set up a basic one a few years ago. I don’t post on it much. I actually ignore it most of the time.

I inadvertently had my website sidelined because I didn’t pay my bill to the hosting site. I thought the bill was a scam. couldn’t remember paying that much 3 years ago so I deleted the notice, patting myself on the back at how smart I was to recognize all the scammers tricks.

Turns out it was REAL! I paid them.

So I’m back up today.

Click below for my latest venture into technology. My memoir Saxapahaw Girl is available on Audible. It lacks my sweet southern drawl but it isn’t bad for AI.

Saxapahaw Girl